May 19, 2006

Letters to the Editor

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Wanted: A kinder, gentler immigration law

This is in response to a letter in the April 28 issue of The Criterion.

I disagree that it is a sin to break a duly constituted law. The American judicial system was devised to permit the change of unjust laws. Do we, as Catholics, support Roe vs. Wade, because it is a duly constituted law?

The first thing we need to learn is just the slightest bit of information about U.S. immigration law. In my estimation, there are three countries that the U.S. purposely hinders persons for immigration: the United States of Mexico (yes, there are, I believe, 46 states), the Philippines and India, with an average 15-year wait.

There are special considerations for Jewish and Cuban refugees. There are special considerations for people with money. When you speak of the “illegals,” remember you are speaking of God’s children, many of whom are Catholic.

If you are of financial means and have more than $100,000 to bank here in the U.S., at least prior to Sept. 11, you could basically obtain an immediate visa. If you are western European, you can pretty much get an instant visa. Have you traveled? Have you ever been told, “Sorry, you will have to wait 15 years to see Paris because that is the law”? My guess is that, as Americans, we would be outraged.

People ask how an “illegal” can pay taxes. The federal government issues tax identification numbers to anyone without a Social Security card. While this does not “officially” permit work, it does allow the “illegal” immigrants to pay taxes, employers to collect taxes, and the Mexican undocumented workers to fund approximately $7 billion per year in Social Security that they will never obtain access to and which our leaders have so blatantly misspent. Yes, the federal government makes it possible for an “illegal” to pay federal, state, county, Social Security and Medicare taxes.

As far as respecting the laws of our great country, for those born or alive during the 1960s, two things happened: finally, after approximately 200 years, African-American people received civil rights and, later, Native American people received civil rights. Was it just to deny any American citizen his or her civil rights then?

Furthermore, it is a well-known legal principle that an infant cannot break the law. Many “illegals” were brought here as infants, raised here, speak English and know nothing of the country from which they came. How do we handle this problem? Some excel in our schools, are in gifted programs, for which their parents pay taxes, some even own property, and the children here are—like it or not—our next generation.

Some of these children may grow up to provide cures for dreaded diseases, go to the moon, make an important scientific discovery and honor the land. These people are human beings, not “illegals.”

I would like to see a kinder, gentler, world as well as a kinder, just and honest immigration law.

-Karen E. Garnica Rosales, Indianapolis

Readers grieved over book’s blasphemy

We are deeply offended by Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code. This book is a glaring blasphemy and a living lie against our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We want the public to know that we are greatly grieved over this matter.

The DaVinci Code follows on the heels of other print and TV media material attacking Christ.

They obviously believe they can pull this off with the claim that “it is fiction promoted for fame and fun.” But, in fact, they do warfare to overthrow Christ and Christianity, hoping to take the world back to the age of paganism. They imagine the one true God as having no right, that he is nothing to them.

Out of self-interest, they should become well-studied in the woes and curses contained in Holy Scripture. The charge and suit against them happens in heaven even should it not be brought here on earth.

It’s time they learn of the rights of God. All people will be brought to justice in due time. Man may propose anything he pleases, but ultimately God disposes.

This ill will, bigotry and prejudice is obvious for all to see and is extremely hurtful. It is our hope and prayer that they repent.

-Zita M. Rosner, Indianapolis
Dolores Kesterson, Indianapolis
Zita Carroll, Greenwood


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