January 31, 2020

My Journey to God

Morning Glory

The morning dew drops me new
With fresh presence of the fallen leaves,
Bare trees, cold-pressed in the winter hour
I awaken to.

Oh, taste and see; awake and read
How wondrous the willow, the wind about its crown
Whispering back and forth, from bough to bough
Unceasing sound.

Befitting time is now
When in undisturbed solitude
I simply breathe, offering up whatever may encompass.
Some call this idleness.

But I, whose I am not
See, if yet indistinctly, true thought;
Contemplation, new worlds awaken
Within the eye I am.

No need for latest news as the dew drops, or ice enshrouds,
For in one breath tidings ever ancient, ever new break the boughs,
Make willows weep.
Morning’s tale is awe enough for me.

By Tierney Vrdolyak

(Tierney Vrdolyak is a theology teacher at Nativity Catholic School in Indianapolis through the University of Notre Dame’s ECHO program.)

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