May 1, 2020

Online youth and young adult retreat centered on World Youth Day themes

A live online retreat for youths and young adults will be offered by All Saints Parish in Dearborn County from May 3-10. “Emmanuel: God Is with Us” will be a spiritual exploration of the biblical themes of World Youth Day over the past 20 years.

Father Jonathan Meyer, pastor of All Saints Parish, will celebrate Mass at 7:30 a.m. each day of the retreat and will offer a homily related to World Youth Day themes during the liturgies.

At 7:30 p.m. each night, Father Meyer will have a conversation with Catholic performing artists and leaders in youth and young adult ministry from around the world. They will include Catholic singer and songwriter Steve Angrisano; Malcolm Hart, who leads youth and young adult ministry for the Catholic bishops of Australia; Bob McCarty, the retired executive director of the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry; and Brenda Noriega, an American Catholic youth who was chosen to have dinner with Pope Francis during World Youth Day in Panama in 2019.

The Masses and conversations can be viewed on All Saints Parish’s YouTube channel and on its Facebook and Twitter accounts. Links to these can be found at the homepage of the parish’s website,

Each Mass and conversation will be archived on the parish’s YouTube channel for viewing at later times.

For more information, visit the parish’s website,

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