June 21, 2024

Investing with Faith / James Maslar

Why choose CCF? Our shared faith is among the best reasons

James Maslar

Time and again, experience and surveys show that while tax benefits are nice, they are rarely the main motivation for someone making a charitable gift.

It turns out that personal stewardship and generosity are ultimately matters of the heart. (Good proof of this is experiencing the paradox of “in giving we receive”: the joy and fulfillment comes from being selfless more so than financial prudence).

But while good stewardship certainly begins and ends with a generous heart, it also requires us to make a number of practical decisions in between.

No escaping brass tacks

Once we have decided to give, we must discern the best way for us to do so. The reality is, however, that there are many options when it comes to how, when and how much to give.

But giving shouldn’t make us feel like we’re lost, and it’s important to remember that the way our generosity takes shape is often influenced by the people and institutions we work with. We hope you’ll consider the archdiocese’s Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) as a partner in your own stewardship and charitable planning.

Why CCF?

People who choose the archdiocese’s CCF over other foundations and institutions have many good reasons to do so. Here are a few of them:

—We share your faith

The CCF is here for the same reasons you are.

Everything we do is animated by a deep commitment to serving the Gospel, the local Church, and all those who are impacted by the good works of our parishes, schools and agencies.

As an archdiocesan ministry, CCF exists to help other archdiocesan ministries succeed in living out their mission. Funds managed by CCF benefit Catholic ministries exclusively (currently 580-plus funds that distributed nearly $11 million to parishes, schools and ministries last fiscal year).

—We share your values

Because we share your faith, we are also committed to your values. The CCF follows the U.S. bishops’ ethical investment guidelines. This means that the funds we manage are invested in alignment with Catholic teaching and in a socially responsible manner.

We engage a Catholic consultant company to review our portfolios twice a year to ensure that everything we do is consistent with the values passed down to us during the past 2,000 years.

—We’re right here with you

CCF is always available to match donors with a ministry or entity they are passionate about supporting. We are also happy to guide you in exploring gift and fund options that best fit your circumstances and a ministry’s needs. And our relationship doesn’t end with your gift.

We provide numerous opportunities for spiritual and community enrichment to our donors. These include semi-annual evening retreat offerings, a Circle of Giving Mass and dinner with Archbishop Charles C. Thompson, and membership in the Catholic Legacy Society.

—We honor your goals

For us, honoring and following through on donor intent is of the utmost importance. We see it not only as our professional duty, but a moral and spiritual one as well. Being good, responsible stewards of donor contributions means being faithful to your goals.

—We strive to improve

CCF is continually improving how we serve parishes, schools and ministries as well as how we engage individual Catholics of the archdiocese.

Recently, we have improved gift processing efficiency through streamlining and digitization efforts; boosted marketing and communication resources for our parishes; established CCF liaisons at pilot parishes; and intentionally reengaged the professional advisor community.

CCF is uniquely qualified and positioned to empower Catholics who are inspired to strengthen the body of Christ by working together. For more information or help, e-mail us at ccf@archindy.org or call 317-236-1482.

(James Maslar is a Catholic philanthropic advisor for the archdiocese’s Catholic Community Foundation (CCF). Tax or legal information provided herein is not intended as tax or legal advice. Always consult with your legal, tax or financial advisors before implementing any gift plan.)

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